Sunday, April 19, 2009

33 weeks

I am 33 weeks and 5 days now and I am very anxious to see my baby. I have been feeling her every hour which comfort me. Knowing that she's there waiting to see me too is a big relief. I know I have a very easy pregnancy and my baby never gave me any problems and I just can't wait see and hug her.

Week Thirty Three: Lanugo is disappearing

You are 33 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 31 weeks)
  • The baby is now 4.4 pounds (2 kg) and around 17.5 inches (44cm) in length.
  • The diameter of the head is about 8.5cm.
  • The baby fuzz, lanugo, is disappearing.
  • Your baby drinks about a pint of amniotic fluid a day.
  • You may gain a pound a week (500g) for the rest of your pregnancy.
  • Half of your weight gain will go directly to your baby.
The baby is using it's lungs to practice breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. Your baby is drinking about a pint of amniotic fluid a day now and urinating the same amount. The early baby fuzz, lanugo, is disappearing now and being replaced by actual hair. The nails of your baby are now long enough to reach to the tip of the fingers or beyond and may need trimming as soon as they are born. They may scratch their face even before birth.

You may gain a pound a week for the rest of your pregnancy. Do not stop eating or start skipping meals as your weight increases. Both you and your baby need the calories and nutrition you receive from a healthy diet. Calcium intake is extremely important during pregnancy because the baby will draw calcium from the mother to make and harden bone. This can greatly weaken her own bones and teeth because the developing fetus will take minerals from the mother's skeletal structure as needed.

Done with the Class

Yup my entry here is pretty late. I have been so busy with so many things and I completely forgot to make an entry. Last Tuesday April 14, 2009 was our New Dads class then Thursday April 16 was the breastfeeding class. I was so excited at the same time worried since I planning to breastfeed my baby. I just figured that it's the best thing for her since breastfeeding has a lot of advantages like immune system and it also cost effective. I just hope I will be successful in trying to breastfeed her since I heard a lot of horrible stories about it, but our class speaker is so positive about it and she is so willing to help if we need help.

I have been working and keeping myself pretty busy. Tomorrow we have our pediatrician appointment even though they said that it's not really necessary to meet them before the baby is born but we just want to make sure we like the doctor and be comfortable with when the baby comes.

I am on my 33 weeks 5 days now, the big day is coming really soon and I can see that we are not physically ready yet but we can work on that. We still have enough time to figure everything up.

I'll be making entries more often from now on.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And yet another class

Last night was our third class session. We tackle about birthing positions which is really cool. We are able to sit on those stools, birthing ball which is just like my yoga ball and also positions where my husband can be a big help.

I am now 31 weeks and 9 more weeks and I will finally see my baby.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our Class

Man, I can't believe i forgot to put an entry about our class last Tuesday. It was kinda important because we discuss about what to expect about labor. When we are going to call or go. It was definitely helpful. We have a guest speaker for doula but i don't think I would like to have one since I am not the kind of person that want to talk when it come to pain and stuff. I just like to be alone and relax. Next Tuesday I definitely write an entry for our class again. I am excited to go to one since I love to learn stuff when it comes to my baby.

She is been very active, I have been feeling her everyday and she reacts when I eat and drink. What I also notice is she moves and kicks a lot when I am in the car and especially when I am driving.

I just can't wait to give her a big hug.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Regular Pregnancy Visit

Today is my routine visit to my health care provider. My Glucose test from the previous came back okay and my pap smear result are also fine. The only thing that was borderline was my iron level. It is in the borderline of being low. So I guess I just have to eat more food that are high in iron to help my iron level. Then they also check the position of my baby which is head down and she is a posterior baby which means she is crooked and the best position for a baby is when the baby is facing the mother. She advice me to do certain stuff to make the baby move and maybe change its position. So am trying to do it for me and my baby's benefit.

Today was quite a long busy day but it is definitely okay for me. As long as i can have my little nap I am ready to go again!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our First Class

Yup we had our first class Tuesday March 17th. It's just mainly like overview and introduction since we have other couples / pregnant women who are doing the class too. We had our pop quiz which was helpful. The instructor showed us things which are pretty basic which I still considered pretty helpful especially to us because this going to be our first time parents and I know we still have a lot of stuff to learn.

So far my pregnancy is been very good and enjoyable. My back pains are still there but it not too much anymore since we don't have cold weather anymore. I always have back pains when it's cold even when I wasn't pregnant. Thank God it kinda went away.

Now the kicks are getting stronger and the movements are so obvious, I actually enjoyed it. I can't help but feel the moment knowing that my baby is moving and doing it's exercise. I definitely love the idea of feeling my baby every second every move she makes. I don't want to miss anything. It's just so cool that I actually can have a baby and I am going to be the mother of this new creature.

I get pretty emotional when I see other babies on TV and thinking that I will have one soon. It's just so amazing how I blessed I am to be able to have my own child to take care and love.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Month Seven

Your baby's eyes can now open and close and can sense light changes. The lanugo is starting to disappear from the baby's face. Your baby's hearing is getting better. He or she can now hear the outside world quite well over the sound of your heartbeat. The baby exercises by kicking and stretching. He or she can also make grasping motions and likes to suck its thumb.

Your baby is coated with a waxy substance called vernix caseosa which protects his skin, and he is building up a layer of fat which will help him to maintain his body temperature once he is born.

Your baby is continuing to grow and develop. If the baby was born now, its chances of survival are better than last month, (28 weeks - 90% of babies survive premature birth) some complications are still possible. By the end of this month, your baby will be approximately 16 inches (42 cm) long and weigh about 2.5 or 3 pounds (1100 to 1400 grams).


As your stomach expands, you may notice stretchmarks on your stomach or thighs. Your navel will begin to stick out if it doesn't already. Indigestion can be a problem as your growing baby presses on your stomach. Some women have lower back pain or sciatic pain as the abdomen grows larger and the pelvic joints loosen in preparation for delivery. Leg cramps may pose a problem; adequate calcium in your diet can help.

You may feel painless contractions, called Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are a way for your uterus to ''practice'' and do not signify the onset of labour. Your antenatal checks will increase in frequency, perhaps to every 2-3 weeks. Remember to give your employer notice of when you plan to stop work and when you plan to return.

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